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Homeschooling in North Dakota

Homeschooling in North Dakota

Please note, this is not intended as legal advice. This is for informational purposes only and should you choose to Homeschool in North Dakota then you need to double check the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction website for current regulations.

North Dakota Homeschool Laws Homeschooling in North Dakota Planning on homeschooling in North Dakota? Make sure you're following these regulations so your homeschool stays in compliance with North Dakota homeschool regulations.

When choosing to homeschool in North Dakota there are three options to choose from.

The first option is to homeschool under the Home Education Law. For this option parents must:

  1. Meet the teacher qualifications
    1. Must have a high school diploma or GED, or
    2. Have a North Dakota certified teacher “monitor” your first two years of homeschooling
  2. File a notice of intent to homeschool 14 days before you start every year
  3. Teach your child a minimum of 175 days each year and 4 hours each (school) day
  4. Teach the required subjects:
    1. Math, language arts, social studies, science, physical education and health in elementary and middle school
    2. Math, language arts, social studies, science, physical education and foreign languages or fine arts or career and technical education in high school
  5. Maintain records (including records of courses taken, test scores and  academic progress assessments)
  6. Participate in standardized tests in grades 4, 6, 8 and 10

The second option is to homeschool as a private school. For this option parents must:

  1. Be a North Dakota certified teacher
  2. Undergo criminal history record check
  3. Teach your child a minimum of 180 days
  4. Subjects required in public schools must be taught in your homeschool
  5. File a notice of intent every year

Finally, the third option is for parents who wish to homeschool a child with special needs. For this option parents must:

  1. Submit notice of intent to homeschool
  2. Provide a copy of the child’s diagnosis from doctor
  3. File a service plan with the school district superintendent (developed privately or through school district)
  4. Service plan must meet the child’s special needs and be addressed by persons qualified to provide special education
  5. File progress reports prepared by the services plan team, by November 1, February 1, and May 1 every year.

Homeschooled students in North Dakota are eligible to participate in extracurricular activities in their school district or in an approved nonpublic school through open enrollment. The same rules that apply to full-time students will apply to homeschooled students. Parents must provide notification of the selection using the notice of intent form.

The best way to stay on top of changes in homeschool regulations is to connect with other local homeschoolers in North Dakota.

North Dakota Secular Homeschool Groups

Fargo-Moorhead Homeschooling Network

“This is an inclusive network for homeschoolers in the FM area, regardless of homeschooling method, educational philosophy, religion or lack thereof, age of children, political persuasion, etc.”


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