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Homeschooling in Nevada

Homeschooling in Nevada

Please note, this is not intended as legal advice. This is for informational purposes only and should you choose to Homeschool in Nevada then you need to double check the Nevada Department of Public Education website for current regulations.

Nevada Homeschool Laws Homeschooling in Nevada Planning on homeschooling in Nevada? Make sure you're following these regulations so your homeschool stays in compliance with Nevada homeschool regulations.

Homeschooling laws in Nevada require parents to do two things:

  1. File a one-time Notice of Intent (NOI) to homeschool form, along with an Educational Plan of Instruction.
  2. Teach the required subjects of English, which includes reading, composition, writing, math, science, and social studies which includes history, geography, economics, and government.

The best way to stay on top of changes in homeschool regulations is to connect with other local homeschoolers in Nevada.

Nevada Secular Homeschool Groups

Alternative Homeschoolers of Las Vegas and Henderson

“This group is specifically for secular, non-religious homeschooling families in the So. NV area. We are open to all styles of homeschoolers – school at home, eclectic, and unschooling. We are also open to all kinds of families, from neurodiverse to LGBTQ+.”

Las Vegas Homeschooling Support

“Las Vegas Homeschooling Support is a secular homeschool community where we share info, answer questions, offer advice and online resources to help you in your homeschool journey.”

Reno Homeschoolers/Unschoolers: Adventure, discover, build, explode!

“All inclusive for homeschoolers/unschoolers and families within a 90-minute drive of Reno. We invite participation regardless of faith, ethnic background, style, and likelihood to do explosive science experiments.”


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