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Homeschooling in Massachusetts

Homeschooling in Massachusetts

Please note, this is not intended as legal advice. This is for informational purposes only and should you choose to Homeschool in Massachusetts then you need to double check the Massachusetts Department of Education website for current regulations.

Massachusetts Homeschool Laws Homeschooling in Massachusetts Planning on homeschooling in Massachusetts? Make sure you're following these regulations so your homeschool stays in compliance with Massachusetts homeschool regulations.

The state of Massachusetts homeschool laws are simple and to the point:

  1. Submit an annual notice of intent and educational plan to the school district
  2. Teach the subjects specified by Massachusetts homeschool regulations
  3. Keep records of any evaluations

The best way to stay on top of changes in homeschool regulations is to connect with other local homeschoolers in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Secular Homeschool Groups

Essex County Inclusive Homeschool Group

Incluse homeschool group located in Essex Mass.

Secular Homeschoolers of Massachusetts

“This is a place to connect, share ideas, events and ask questions about homeschooling within secular parameters.”

Village Homeschoolers (Milford)

“The Village of Greater Milford Homeschoolers is a secular group of homeschooling families in central Massachusetts.”


“We are a secular community of inclusive families in northeastern Massachusetts who come together to provide rich social and learning opportunities for our children. We offer weekly study groups and social events where children, teens, and parents can make new friends, find their village, and join fellow homeschoolers for fun and interesting experiences.”


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