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Homeschooling in Delaware

Homeschooling in Delaware

Please note, this is not intended as legal advice. This is for informational purposes only and should you choose to Homeschool in Delaware then you need to double check the Delaware Department of Education website for current regulations.

Homeschooling in Delaware
When you choose to homeschool in Delaware there are very few regulations to follow. Make sure you submit certain reports every year to stay compliant.

Delaware has very low requirements for homeschooling. You can either register as a single family homeschool or multi family homeschool. Homeschoolers who choose the multi-family option must also appoint a person to as a liaison with the state’s Department of Education. This person will be the one to submit the annual enrollment and attendance reports for all the students within the homeschool. Delaware homeschool laws do not require parents to have any specific qualifications.

The only reporting you must submit for homeschooling in Delaware are:

  • Report annual enrollment at the beginning of the school year, no later than October 5.
  • Report attendance at the end of the school year, on or before July 31.

Delaware Secular Homeschool Groups

Delaware Secular Homeschoolers

“Welcome to Delaware Secular Homeschoolers! People of ALL beliefs are welcome here. What we ask is simple respect towards all. Members either believe in teaching from a primarily secular point of view or by using secular materials.”

SLIME Homeschool CO-OP

“Socially Learning In Multiple Environments is a secular co-op and is open to any homeschooling family in Sussex County and surrounding areas.”

Sussex County Delaware Secular Homeschoolers

Secular homeschool group for Sussex.


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